Wednesday, October 31, 2007

New Orleans D.A. Eddie Jordan Resigns

Reading the Times Picayune article on D.A. Eddie Jordan's resignation, made me reflect upon the terms discrimination and cronyism as how it relates to city and state government in Louisiana.

Racial discrimination is based on unfairness, bias and bigotry. Cronyism is partiality to friends that result in appointing them to positions in one's administration. Since I have lived in New Orleans for a very long time, cronyism has always existed in State and Local government. Although I believe that Congressman Jefferson is guilty of the charges he is facing, I do agree with the following statement he made as a result of D.A. Eddie Jordan's resignation:

As the first African American District Attorney, Mr. Jordan was overwhelmingly supported by the African American community. The staff of the out-going D.A. was overwhelmingly white. Mr. Jordan's effort to hire qualified people whom he knew or who were supportive of his campaign naturally meant that the pool of such applicants would overwhelmingly be African Americans. Every D.A. has been accorded the right to let go the prior D.A.'s personnel and hire his own. It is unfortunate that in this case Mr. Jordan's effort to follow this well-established practice ended with the appearance that he was discriminating against a segment of the population. I did not believe then, and I do not believe now that this was ever his intention."

The lawsuit against Eddie Jordan leaves me to conclude that: When a black newly elected official brings in his/her new administration, race matters. When a white elected official brings in his/her new administration, do what you want. The only thing you may be accused of is cronyism. Being accused of cronyism will result in less publicized scrutiny and no civil penalty.

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