Thursday, January 17, 2008

Rep. William Jefferson Goes On A Tirade When Family Members Are Mentioned In His Corruption Scheme

Rep. William Jefferson, who comes across as Minnie Mouse on sleeping pills, suddenly turned into Hercules on steroids when federal prosecutors mentioned his wife, brother and son-in-law's name during a hearing yesterday. Their names were mentioned in reference to contracts and bank records as it relates to the corruption probe against Jefferson. The mere mentioned of his daughters invoked the following comment about his family:

His daughters are highly educated professionals with degrees from major universities, and he called son-in-law Jones a "six-year Ph.D. in environmental chemistry," to underscore their qualifications for the contracts they secured or companies they were put in charge of.

Well, Andrea Jefferson, Mose Jefferson, Philip Jones and the Jefferson daughters; continue on with your bad selves. It appears that the master has taught you well: corruption can run in families and even the educated can be corrupt.

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