Wednesday, April 23, 2008

CAOne Fails To Rid Itself From The Stench Of Stan "Pampy" Barre

Judge Kern Reese sided with convicted felon, Stan "Pampy" Barre when he refused to grant CAOne's request to have Barre ousted due to a "change in control" clause in the company's contract.

Barbara Barre, the convicted felon's partner of 42 years, is now in charge. As a result, the judge sees her as simply a "mantle of Caesar" and not a "change in control". Since the judge sees her as a "mantle of Caesar", he concluded that there was no "change in control" since Barbara will act on behalf of her convicted hubby.
Of course the judge wants to protect the convicted felon's interest.

Let's hope CAOne win their appeal. The citizens of New Orleans are counting on that.

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